Episode 23 — Can’t Afford a Model T? How About a LFTR?– Unintended Consequences — Chapter 8 Part 7

The Thorium Network
10 min readJun 16, 2022


The Model T Ford made motoring what it is today: affordable, reliable, ubiquitous with 20th century living. It’s this same dogmatic approach to manufactured simplification that will make Fission the energy of the 21st Century.

Can’t afford it?

A modern, 1 GW LWR generates 9,000,000 kWhrs per year which, at 10 cents per kWhr, creates revenue of USD 900,400,000 per year. Deduct USD 220 million for operating expenses for a profit of USD 680 million per year. California’s Diablo nuclear plant generates electricity for about 3 cents per kWhr.

If the plant’s two reactors cost USD 7 billion, their combined profit will repay the 7 billion in 5.7 years, after which they will net USD 1.3 billion/year while employing about 1,000 well-paid workers.

While we temporise, Russia and South Korea are building modular reactors (conventional and MSRs), for sale abroad, some of which will be mounted on barges that can be towed to coastal cities, thus making long transmission lines, with their 10% power loss, unnecessary. In 2020, the first of these barges began operation in Pevek, a town in eastern Siberia. (China makes a 1 GWe reactor for USD 3B in less than 5 years — Dr. Alex Cannara.)

MURMANSK, RUSSIA — AUGUST 23, 2018: The Akademik Lomonosov, a barge containing two nuclear reactors, is pictured in Murmansk during its departure for Pevek, Chukotka Autonomous Area, on Russia’s Arctic coast where it will function as a nuclear power station; built at St Petersburg’s Baltic Shipyard, the Akademik Lomonosov was towed in 2018 from the Baltic Sea to an Atomflot base in Murmansk on Russia’s Barents Sea coast to be loaded with nuclear fuel. Lev Fedoseyev/TASS (Photo by Lev Fedoseyev\TASS via Getty Images)

In 2016, Russia inaugurated a commercial Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR) that extracts nearly 100% of the energy value of uranium. (LWRs utilize less than 5%.) The FBR creates close to zero waste and guarantees that we will never run out of thorium, uranium and plutonium, which yield 1.7 million times more energy per kilogram than crude oil.

The central hall of power unit №4 with the BN-800 reactor.
Photo © Donat Sorokin/TASS

Russia Sets New Domestic Nuclear Generation Record

Units 3 and 4 at Tianwan Phase II in China’s Jiangsu province — two AES-91 VVER-1000 units designed by Gidropress and supplied by Rosatom — entered commercial operation in February 2018 and October 2018. In November, Rosatom said its engineering division AtomStroyExport signed four executive contracts with China National Nuclear Corp. for construction of Tianwan 7 and 8. Construction on Tianwan units 5 and 6 — two 1,080 MWe ACPR1000 reactors — is slated to be completed in 2021. Courtesy: Rosatom

Canadian Government agrees to work with United Kingdom on nuclear power

Instead of pursuing these profitable programs, we [USA] have spent USD 400 billion on worthless F-35 jet fighters plus USD 2 billion PER WEEK in Afghanistan — AND there’s that missing USD 8.5 TRILLION that the Pentagon can’t find. [The Pentagon’s $35 Trillion Accounting Black Hole, by Michael Rainey, January 23, 2020]

The US Air Force Quietly Admits the F-35 Is a Failure

USD 100 million all washed upPhotos leaked of F-35 fighter jet that crashed into South China Sea

Penta-Gone! — The Pentagon’s $35 Trillion Accounting Black Hole

Penta-Gone! — USD 35 Trillion missing

Meanwhile, according to the GUARDIAN, “in 2013, coal, oil and gas companies spent USD 670 billion searching for more fossil fuels, investments that could be worthless if action on global warming slashes allowed emissions.”

Leave fossil fuels buried to prevent climate change, study urges

California plans a USD 100 billion high speed train to serve impatient commuters between San Francisco and Los Angeles, and in 2014, Wall Street paid over USD 28 billion in bonuses to needy executives. If you include greedy sports team owners and players who, between 2000 and 2010, received 12 billion tax dollars to help pay for their arenas, the total could exceed USD 1 trillion.

“When you’re in a hole, stop digging,”, Bill McKibben, co-founder of 350.org

With that money, we could easily build enough MSRs to end the burning of fossil fuels for generating electricity while drastically cutting carbon dioxide production.

Russia offers nuclear desalination bundle

According to WORLD NUCLEAR NEWS, Russia’s Rosatom Overseas intends to sell desalination facilities powered by nuclear power plants to its export markets: Dzhomart Aliyev, the head of Rosatom Overseas, says that the company sees ‘a significant potential in foreign markets,’ and is offering two LWRs producing 1200 MW each to Egypt’s Ministry of Electricity as part of a combined power and desalination plant.

Water Desalination in Egypt

“Desalination units can produce 170,000 cubic meters of potable water/day with 850 MWh of electricity per day. This would use only about 3% of the output of a 1200 MWe nuclear plant. In addition, two desalination units are also being considered for inclusion in Iran’s plan to expand the Bushehr power plant with Russian technology, and another agreement between Argentina and Russia also includes desalination with nuclear power.” Dzhomart Aliyev, chief executive officer of Rusatom Overseas.

Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant, Iran

In 2016, the Vice President of Rosatom reported that the company plans to build more than 90 plants in the pipeline worth some USD 110 Billion, with the aim of delivering 1000 GW by 2050.

“By 2030 we must build 28 nuclear power units. This is nearly the same as the number of units made or commissioned over the entire Soviet period… ROSATOM, the Russian nuclear power corporation and builders of the Kundamkulam nuclear power plant in India, has orders for building many nuclear power units abroad.” (XXII Nuclear Inter Jura 2016 Proceedings of the Congress) — Vladimir Putin, President of Russia

Stratfor Global Intelligence reported in an October, 2015 article titled Russia: Exporting Influence, One Nuclear Reactor at a Time that “Rosatom estimated that the value of orders has reached USD 300 billion, with 30 plants in 12 countries. From South Africa to Argentina to Vietnam to… Saudi Arabia, there appears to be no region where Russia does not seek to send its nuclear exports.”

In addition, China has purchased four, 1200 MW Russian reactors. Rosatom will also supply the fuel for a new Chinese- designed fast reactor.

However, our [USA] nuclear industry, opposed by Climate deniers like Donald J Trump, fervent “greens” and powerful carbon companies that put profit before planet, struggles to stay alive.

In Why Not Nuclear? Brian King described our failure to build Generation IV nuclear plants that, unlike LWRs, take advantage of high-temperature coolants such as liquid metals or liquid salts that improve efficiency.

“Argonne National Laboratory held the major responsibility for developing nuclear power in the U.S. By 1980, there were two main goals: Develop a nuclear plant that can’t melt down, then build a reactor that can run on waste from nuclear power plants…

“In the early 80’s Argonne opened a site for an experimental breeder reactor in Idaho. About five years later [two weeks before Chernobyl], they were ready for a demonstration. Scientists from around the globe were invited to watch what would happen if there was a loss of coolant to the reactor, a condition similar to the event at Fukushima where the cores of three reactors overheated and melted.

“Dr. C. Till, the director of the Generation IV project, calmly watched the gauges on the panel as core temperature briefly increased, then rapidly dropped as the reactor shut down without any intervention!

“The Argonne Generation IV project was a success, but it couldn’t get past the anti-nuke politics of the 1990’s, so it was shut down by the Clinton administration because they said we didn’t need it.

“One can only imagine what the world would look like today, with a fleet of Generation IV nuclear plants that would run safely for centuries on all of the waste at storage sites around the globe. No heat-trapping carbon dioxide would have been created — only ever increasing amounts of clean, reliable power. So why not nuclear power?

“Unfortunately, most environmentalists oppose nuclear power, as do many liberals. The Democratic Party is afraid of anti-nuclear sentiment… like the Nation Magazine, the Sierra Club and others. Why are all these people against such a safe and promising source of energy?

“… nuclear power has been tarred with the same brush as nuclear weapons. Nuclear power plants can’t explode like bombs, but people still think that way….

“There is also a matter of group prejudice, not unlike a fervently religious group or an audience at a sports event of great importance to local fans. People are afraid to go against the beliefs of their peers, no matter how unsubstantiated those beliefs may be.

Biden launches $6 billion effort to save nuclear power plants, to help combat climate change, 22 April 2022

”Finally, some good news: In July, 2018, Advanced Reactor Concepts (ARC) and Canada’s New Brunswick Power agreed to build a sodium-cooled, small modular reactor (SMR) — and thereafter at other sites worldwide.

The ARC-100 Advanced Small Modular Reactor

ARC-100 by Arc Energy

“The ARC-100 includes a passive, “walk away-safe” design that ensures the reactor cannot melt down — even if the plant loses all electrical power. The ARC-100 can consume the nuclear waste produced by LWRs and operate for 20 years without refuelling. Ontario approves nuclear.

OPG paving the way for Small Modular Reactor deployment, 6 October 2020

Small modular reactors can be easily transported (Image: IAEA)

Small Modular Reactors

  • Their operation can be based on Gen II or Gen IV technologies.
  • Most of them generate less than 300 MW.
  • They run independent without active cooling (or offsite power)
  • They are small enough to have the entire reactor module fabricated at a central facility and then shipped by rail or by truck.
SMRs can be partially or totally buried underground (Image: GE-Hitachi)

TerraPower advances plans for next-gen nuclear plants, earning Bill Gates’ praise

This cutaway graphic shows the design of the Versatile Test Reactor. (DOE Illustration)

Starting in 2018, China will begin turning coal plants into nuclear reactors, by Graham Templeton, 23 November 2016

Why a Greenpeace co-founder went nuclear, by Erika Lovley 4 March 2008

Patrick Moore starting Greenpeace circa 1970
Patrick Moore leaving Greenpeace circa 2000's
Patrick Moore: Why I Left Greenpeace

Patrick Moore: Why I Left Greenpeace

Canada to boost nuclear power to help meet climate target, 15 March 2015

South Korea reactors That “Won’t Melt Down” approved for US in contract between Doosan and NuScale Power.- August 2020

South Korea companies develop molten salt reactor for shipping, power generation, 24 June 2021

Samsung Heavy Industries

Under the agreement, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute and Samsung Heavy Industries plan to develop molten salt reactors for marine propulsion and floating nuclear power plants, using molten fluoride salts as the primary coolant at low pressure. — KAERI, 17 June 2021

Poland goes nuclear with plan to build six reactors by 2040, by David Rogers, 9 November 2020

Opole 3.3 GW Coal Fired Power Station

Coming up next week, Episode 24 — Blowing in the Wind

Links and References

  1. Next Episode — Episode 24 — Blowing in the Wind
  2. Previous Episode — Episode 22 —The Pros of LFTRs. Why They Are So Cool
  3. Launching the Unintended Consequences Series
  4. Dr. George Erickson on LinkedIn
  5. Dr. George Erickson’s Website, Tundracub.com
  6. The full pdf version of Unintended Consequences
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Model_T
  8. https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-cannara-6a1b7a3/
  9. https://rosatom.ru/en/press-centre/news/rosatom-world-s-only-floating-nuclear-power-plant-enters-full-commercial-exploitation/
  10. https://www-atomic--energy-ru.translate.goog/news/2016/08/10/68139?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en
  11. https://www.powermag.com/russia-sets-new-domestic-nuclear-generation-record/
  12. https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/320295-the-us-air-force-quietly-admits-the-f-35-is-a-failure
  13. https://www.stripes.com/branches/navy/2022-01-28/photos-leaked-F-35-fighter-jet-crashed-into-South-China-Sea-4448944.html
  14. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/pentagon-35-trillion-accounting-black-231154593.html
  15. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/jan/07/much-worlds-fossil-fuel-reserve-must-stay-buried-prevent-climate-change-study-says
  16. https://gofossilfree.org/
  17. https://350.org/
  18. https://www.linkedin.com/in/bill-mckibben-6174131b7/
  19. https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-Russia-offers-nuclear-desalination-bundle-0403151.html
  20. https://www.rusatom-overseas.com/
  21. https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/457339/Construction-of-phases-2-3-of-Bushehr-nuclear-plant-has-started
  22. http://aidn-inla.be/content/uploads/2016/12/proceedings-new-delhi-2016.pdf
  23. http://en.kremlin.ru/
  24. https://worldview.stratfor.com/article/russia-exporting-influence-one-nuclear-reactor-time
  25. https://neutronbytes.com/2019/04/06/russia-to-build-four-1200-mw-vver-at-two-sites-in-china/
  26. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/nuclear-power-biden-climate-change/
  27. https://www.arcenergy.co/technology
  28. https://energyrealityproject.com/nuclear-power-climate-change-warrior-for-the-21st-century-2/
  29. https://www.opg.com/media_releases/opg-paving-the-way-for-small-modular-reactor-deployment/
  30. https://www.geekwire.com/2020/terrapower-advances-plans-next-gen-nuclear-plants-earning-bill-gates-praise/
  31. https://www.energy.gov/ne/versatile-test-reactor
  32. https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/239588-starting-2018-china-will-begin-turning-coal-plants-nuclear-reactors
  33. https://twitter.com/grahamtempleton
  34. https://www.politico.com/story/2008/03/why-a-greenpeace-co-founder-went-nuclear-008835
  35. https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2016/10/03/greenpeace-co-founder-patrick-moore-makes-case-sustainable-gmo-golden-rice/
  36. https://www.prageru.com/video/why-i-left-greenpeace
  37. https://phys.org/news/2018-03-canada-boost-nuclear-power-climate.html
  38. https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/south-korea-companies-develop-molten-salt-reactor-for-shipping-power-generation/
  39. https://www.samsungshi.com/eng/default.aspx
  40. https://www.globalconstructionreview.com/poland-goes-nuclear-plan-build-six-reactors-2040/
  41. https://emerging-europe.com/voices/the-first-polish-nuclear-plant-will-eventually-be-built/
  42. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opole_Power_Plant
  43. https://rethinkingnuclear.org/who-we-are/
  44. https://www.linkedin.com/in/richard-steeves-373808a5/
  45. https://rethinkingnuclear.org/advanced-nuclear-reactors/
  46. https://rethinkingnuclear.org/articles/evolution-of-more-innovative-reactor-designs/
  47. https://www.viite.fi/2021/01/20/nuclear-qa/
  48. https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Articles/TVA-announces-new-nuclear-programme
  49. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ravKXD4iqQ
  50. https://TheThoriumNetwork.com
  51. https://ThoriumEnergyAlliance.com/

#UnintendedConsequences #GeorgeErickson #ClimateChange #FissionEnergy #NuclearEnergy #SpentNuclearFuel #MoltenSaltReactor #LFTR #TheThoriumNetwork #Thorium #Fission4All #RadiationIsGood4U #GetYourRadiation2Day #InvisibleFire #Russia #China #SouthKorea #Poland #USA #Iran #ModelTFord



The Thorium Network
The Thorium Network

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